Things from nature. I wanted to bring some nature in to our bare space, for little one to feel the different textures, the different weights, uneven objects to stack and sort, the coldness of stones and the warmth of wood in the sun:
Cost: stones, $1.50, metal buckets $1 each.
~ Pine cones and large seed pods. I found these while we were out walking one day, brought them home and put them in another bright bucket. They get played with every day, mainly used as digging implements. Cost: free.
sorting the stones |
~ Branches. I found some branches which I intended to cut up into tree blocks. I gave up this project after manually sawing about ten blocks.. it's hard work! So I was left with a couple of branches which I left in the narrow dirt space along the fence, and surprise surprise, they get picked up, closely looked at and dragged around. Cost: free.
sunflowers sprouting |
Cost: about $2-3 for a packet of seeds, $3-5 for a bag of potting mix. Pots starting from $2, Styrofoam boxes for planting, free.
watching the strawberries |
Styrofoam fruit boxes make excellent planters. These are beans. |
Things that move - These two mobiles took maybe 15 minutes each and cost me absolutely nothing. I recycled some old CD's, attached some string I found in my laundry, and made the first mobile last night. Here is a video I found of a similar one in motion. I hung it up at about 10pm last night, and little one was amazed to find it hanging up outside this morning, he kept pointing and saying ooh! I collected twigs for the other one on our walk this morning, and tied them to a length of string. The move gently in the breeze, and are out of reach of little ones hands. Cost: Free.
Recycled CD mobile |
twig mobile |
Things that are colourful.
~ Bright orange rag rug from the discount shop, because bright colours make a space happy. Cost $4.
~ Colourful kids sized chair, because even little bottoms need somewhere to rest. This turns into a step, and was a great garage sale find. Cost: $3.
~ Floaty fabric - I found this scarf in an op shop, and bought it for the bright colours. I haven't thought of a use for it until today. I tied a piece of string across my gate, and used it as a line to hang the scarf from using pegs. It floats in the breeze, and also provides a bit of privacy from the street. Also makes a great peek-a-boo playing spot. Cost 50 cents.
So with all of those small things, our outside area has undergone a little transformation. I'd love to hear your ideas too, of any cheap and easy ways to add a bit of interest to your garden.